Ha gay meme

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Due to his troubled childhood, Jae-Ha valued freedom more than anything in the world and when Yona and her crew came to Awa searching for him, he initially hides and denies his true identity so they won't bother him. Jae-Ha would later acts threatening towards her thinking that she will subjecting him to servitude, however realizing that isn't the case his hostility lessens when he gets to know her better, realizing she views everyone as friends and partners rather than servants. Nevertheless, when Yona showed him how courageous and determine when she was on the cliff to obtain a life-saving plant and when dealing and stopping the human trafficking that was going on in Awa he decided to following her on her journey to watch over her. During his journey not only does he grow fond of Yona and risk his life for her as well as start to treat the Dragon Warriors as his brothers, but he and Hak becomes best friends replacing Su-Won.

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